10 Cosmos Backgrounds

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File size: 36 MB
Date added: December 19, 2019
Date updated: October 16, 2023


10 Cosmos Backgrounds

Fantastic backgrounds for new art works. 10 different styled cosmos backgrounds are fairly structured and we, therefore, have cosmos patterns available that would be more generic and can be used for more general purposes. These, too, could be used as backgrounds, and textures, but would be for more generalised applications. Instead of having only a section of your printed material or website covered, as with the background, for example, you might use the pattern to cover a larger area without having to stitch it together. This will ensure that you have an undistorted and smooth background. These patterns are also offered at high-resolution or lower-resolution as well. Perfect for use as background textures for urban style posters, flyers, postcards, youth advertising, software applications, website background or colourful summer wallpapers.

What You Get: 10 Cosmos Backgrounds. Fresh and Modern Backgrounds Pack with High Resolution Files: 6000 x 3000 Pixels.

~ Thank you & Enjoy using ~


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10-Cosmos-Backgrounds.zip (36 MB):