How to Use AI to Write Articles that People Actually Love Reading

How to Use AI to Write Articles that People Actually Love Reading - ashni Wh9ZC4727e4 unsplash scaled -

You’ve probably heard about how artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change the world as we know it. But what you may not know is that AI is already starting to change the way we write articles. In fact, AI-powered writing tools are becoming more and more popular among professional content writers.

Why? Because these tools can help you write better articles, faster. And when it comes to ranking in Google, speed is often a key factor. So if you want to stay ahead of the curve, it’s crucial that you learn how to use AI to write articles that rank in 2022.

1) Use an AI-Powered Writing Tool

If you want to write articles that rank in 2022, you need to be using an AI-powered writing tool. There are a number of different options available on the market, but our personal favorite is Quillbot. 

2) Do Your Research

Before you start writing your article, it’s important that you do your research and identify the key phrases and topics that your audience is searching for. Once you’ve done this, you can use Quillbot’s topic research tool to get ideas for what to write about. 

3) Write for Your Audience

When you’re writing your article, it’s important to keep your audience in mind at all times. That means writing in a way that is easy for them to understand and providing them with value throughout the entire article. 

4) Optimize Your Article for Google

Once you’ve written your article, it’s time to optimize it for Google. Start by adding your target keyword into the title and throughout the body of your article. Then, ensure that your article is well-structured and uses subheadings effectively. Finally, add internal links to other relevant articles on your website. 

5) Publish and Promote Your Article

Once your article is optimized for Google, it’s time to hit publish and start promoting it across the web. The best way to do this is through social media and email marketing. You can also reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to share your article with their audience. 


If you want to write articles that rank, you need to start using AI-powered writing tools today. Jasper is our personal favorite, but there are a number of different options available on the market. Whichever tool you choose, make sure that you do your research before starting to write, keep your audience in mind at all times, and optimize your article for Google before hitting publish.

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